Hello people,
All will wonder why I gave this blog the title “Making Sense”. The answer is sense to me means “what I make out of a situation”. What I understand out of any situation is very important as it creates my personality. Hence you all will understand my point of view better and help me to become a better person. Talking about situations we fall into weird situations and never find any logical reasoning behind it. Like today I was watching this movie called “Kartik calling Kartik”. Though the movie was a total flop its impact on me was very strong. The movie was about a guy having psychological disorder. Kartik believed that he himself use to call up everyday at 5am on his landline. Kartik had an alter ego who would get over him while he was sleeping and store messages in his telephone as wake up calls. So the real Kartik never knew who the calls came from. Not going into details I would like to tell you why I got caught up into the story so much. The reason is the way Kartik finds answer in him. I have a similar problem. Kartik’s sub conscience mind stores information that Kartik fails to collect and during sleep his sub conscience mind takes over and gives him solution to a situation. In my case when I am distressed or confused my mind also starts reasoning and comes out with solutions. Now you all must be thinking why I bothered to write this blog if my mind gives me all the solutions I need. Well the answer is I am confused, as I can understand some of the solutions but not all of them. Like some times I know what will happen the next day or may be after some time. Most of my dreams don’t turn up true but some do become true.
There are many which happen and also when I pray really hard I do get to know which questions will turn up for the next paper. I know many will laugh off this problem and say its just intuition or my thinking but I can’t understand why these things happen. Most of the time I have read or seen in movies that are mind is like some learning agent and knows what he has seen or experienced. Then how come my mind knows the unknown?
I do like to think a lot and have a hyperactive Technicolor imagination. I have this stupid habit of checking all possibilities and then taking decision. So when I know what is going to happen in future is it that my mind is checking all possibilities and weighing each of the options present and then telling me the best option that can happen or is there some other mystery to my taught procedure and if that’s the case how can my mind be so intelligent as to know the unknown as my marks never tell that I am so intelligent? Anyways these complicated things always drive me crazy but watching the movie proved beneficial as I came to know that all what happens is because my sub conscious mind is very active and fires really good signals when I am sinking. To all who will read this I would like to say hope you to experience some thing like this in your lives hope you all got some answers to your questions.